David T. Alexander: Embedded In The Ideas of Lands
Bau-Xi Gallery Vancouver 3045 Granville St, Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 3J9
David T. Alexander, "How the Evening Reflects at Kaloya," 2020
oil, 78" x 95.25"
Renowned Canadian painter David T. Alexander’s latest exhibition, Embedded in the Idea of Lands marks the artist’s return to the coastal landscape, comprising a visual record of the three year period he spent travelling along the gulf islands and north toward Alaska. In this body of work, Alexander traces the footsteps of a former self to enact a personal paleography, an excavation of the painterly language of his past practice.
Through this process, the terrain of the Pacific Northwest becomes activated as a mnemonic device, both an entry point to the artist's own lived experience and the locus of collective histories, spatial narratives, and cultural memory.