Denise St Marie φ Timothy Walker
Malaspina Printmakers Gallery 1555 Duranleau St (Granville Island, Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 3S3
Denise St Marie and Timothy Walker, "Social Bank Currency," nd
Denise St Marie φ Timothy Walker’s recent contemplative and interactive artworks use the expectations of conventional belief systems to question widespread perceptions and value judgments of our current culture. Each piece is created collaboratively, beginning with dialogical investigations that attempt to clarify what it means to be-in-the-world. These inquiries take us beyond accepted models of social organization and lead us to question and uncover the illusions of our current systems. Visitors are encouraged to interact and openly reflect on how the authority of physical space and social systems shape who we are in the world.
Based out of Toronto since 2009, St Marie and Walker have recently moved to Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada. Beginning in the Fall of 2015 they embarked on a collaborative MFA at the University of Waterloo. St Marie φ Walker have installed interventive work nationally and internationally in such countries and cities as Japan, China, Chicago, Las Vegas, Toronto, Montreal, Windsor, Victoria, and throughout the Canadian prairies.