DLG Revitalization Screening
Deer Lake Gallery 6584 Deer Lake Avenue, Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 3T7

Paul Wong, “Art House Swirl,” 2023
paint and vinyl, installed by Col Urritia (Photo by Dennis Chui) (courtesy of the Gallery)
Reception: January 25th, 6pm - 9pm
Commemorate the official debut of Paul Wong’s Art House Swirl, and toast the energized, new chapter of the Burnaby Arts Council with Mayor Hurley. Screen Paul Wong’s first video installation, Earthworks in Harmony, reprised for its 50th anniversary. Want to further support our revitalization? Bid on Jay Cabalu‘s 100% hand-cut collage, Groundhog Day, or purchase one of 25 affordable, framed artist editions by the Burnaby-raised artist. Through the Surface will be on exhibition and the DLG will be unveiling the work of muralist Arty Guava as our second parkside mural program installation. Free to attend. All are welcome.