Gabriela Jolowicz: Church Playground
Martha Street Studio 11 Martha St, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1A2
Gabriela Jolowicz, "Egypt," 2014
woodcut, 18" x 24"
Opening Reception: Saturday, May 13th, 2-5pm
Gabriela Jolowicz’s work captures contemporary life in Berlin in one of the oldest artistic mediums: woodcut. These bold black and white prints feature still lifes with laptops, cellphones and interiors of music clubs and pool halls.
Jolowicz is a woodcut artist from Germany. She completed her diploma and post-graduate studies at the Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig. Her works have been exhibited in Mexico, USA, Germany, Canada, France, England, Italy, Thailand and the Netherlands. She won the 1st Prize of the international art award Holzschnitt Heute 2012.