Jamie Plummer | Artisthood
Cre8ery Gallery & Studio 2-125 Adelaide St, Corner of William, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3A 0W4
Jamie Plummer, “Golden Feilds,” 2024
12x12 (courtesy of the Gallery)
Being an adult is hard, becoming a mom is hard, living in isolation during a global panedemic is hard. Jamie created art for this show featuring beautiful, pretty flowers that give her joy as that is exactly what she needed when the pandemic began, her father died, and the world shut down all at the same time. Jamie lived in East Africa and ventured out on Safari's as a child. She returned to Winnipeg to return to high school where she further developed her interest in the visual and theatre arts and landing a full time career working at the Manitoba Theatre Centre. See statement and bio below for all of the interesting details of her career path to get from East Africa to Winnipeg to Alberta and then back to settle into her life here in Winnipeg!