Ken Gillespie | Featured Artist
Webster Galleries & Avenida Framing 2-625 77 Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2H 2B9

Ken Gillespie, "Walking Through Sunlite"
oil on canvas, 36 " x 48 ". Courtesy of the Gallery.
Ken was born in Vancouver in 1948 and spent most of his life in Calgary until moving to the Okanagan in 2000. He has been a full time professional artist for many years and is a senior signature member (S.F.C.A) of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Ken has done many solo shows (including sell-outs) in top Canadian Galleries. His works are collected world wide in private and public collections. Ken’s artwork has been in several Publications including ‘International Artists’ magazine in their ‘Master Painters of the World’ section.
“I paint with expressive brushwork and use of color, letting the painting have it’s own life, each stroke leading to the next”.