Nicole Riedmueller | Emergent Materialisms
The Gallery at Casa 230 8 Street, Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 5H2

Nicole Riedmueller, “Emergent Materialisms,” 2024
(courtesy of the Gallery)
Opening Reception: Saturday, September 7, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
The work in this project is the result of ongoing research into the material realities of clay and ceramics. As these layers are organized into levels of complexity, new, emergent material properties reveal themselves. Clay forms become vitrified, refractory surface slips change and flash in the atmospheric soda firing, glazes mature and develop depth and color. This process of coaxing and controlling reactions between the mined minerals and the extreme heat of the kiln requires patience and expertise. It is both exceedingly laborious and technical.
The clay vessels created for this project hold and communicate stories, experiences, knowledge, memories, identities and inner landscapes. In that, they are wholly singular and could only exist in this particular place at this particular time. They are born from three decades of exploration, endurance, reverence and devotion to my artistry: crafting earth elements to undergo immutable transformation. These vessels exist as evidence of my strange and wonderful corporeal endeavours, a space where I create my own echo of material permanence in this life.
Nicole Riedmueller is an artist and educator based in Treaty 7 Territory, Lethbridge, Alberta. Riedmueller holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Nova Scotia University of Art and Design, a Bachelor of Education from the University of Lethbridge and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Lethbridge. Research of ceramic and clay processes are central to her art practice. This includes atmospheric firing, slip and glaze formulation and vessel production from wheel thrown and assembled parts. She has attended artist residencies at the Guldagergarrd International Ceramics Research Center in Denmark and the Medalta International Artist Residency in Alberta. Currently, she teaches ceramic art as an instructor in the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Lethbridge.