Diyan Achjadi and Sara Khan | Stories for Futures - Real and Imagined
ACT Art Gallery 11944 Haney Place - in The ACT, Maple Ridge, British Columbia V2X 6G1
Diyan Achjadi, “Sinking,” 2018
ink and gouache on paper, 60"x48" (courtesy of Sean Fenzl)
Stories for Futures – Real and Imagined is a duo exhibition featuring works on paper, watercolour paintings, and fabric installations by Vancouver-based artists Diyan Achjadi and Sara Khan. Sharing scenes from their respective homelands of Indonesia and Pakistan, the artists bring memories, stories and cultural contexts into the future.
Achjadi and Kahn create worlds real and imagined, illuminated in vivid colours and patterns. The works form multilayered scenes of overlapping waterways, plant life, human relations, and non-human characters. Through storytelling, boundaries are softened between the fantastical and factual.