Trish Shwart | Markers of Time
arc.hive artist-run centre, 770B Hillside Avenue, Victoria, British Columbia V8T 1Z6

Trish Shwart, “In Studio,” 2024
(courtesy of the artist)
Opening: September 21, 1:00-3:00
Markers of Time
Covid may have stopped the world, but it launched some artists on a fascinating journey. So it was with Trish Shwart, who undertook a series of jewel-like paintings recalling important moments in her life. Called Stolen Moments, each painting is encapsulated within a unique setting that sets the emotional tone for the memory.
At the same time, the artist began a series called Markers of Time. These lengthy scroll-like paintings explored her concerns about the future of our planet. The two series compared her own limited time on earth with the vast eons of geological time.
After three years and completing the paintings, Shwart realized: “I was documenting my grief over the current unfolding environmental disaster."
Visitors to the exhibition at arc.hive can view two of the four long paintings from Markers of Time. Also on view are seven out of 24 scenes from Stolen Moments. Each “moment” is painted with acryla-gouache on 8x11 inch paper and framed to be 16x20 inches. The artwork graces the lobby/gallery of arc.hive’s new location on Hillside Avenue. The bustling artist-run centre hosts several studios and shares office space with MISSA.