Up High: The Healing Adventures of Photographer Robert Lemermeyer
Canmore Museum 903B 7 Avenue, Canmore, Alberta T1W 3K1

“Up High: The Healing Adventures of Photographer Robert Lemermeyer,” 2024
(courtesy of the gallery)
Up High: The Healing Adventures of Photographer Robert Lemermeyer is an exhibit about the therapeutic power of nature to help us recover from personal issues and bring us into the present moment.
For 25 years, Robert Lemermeyer roamed the world as a travel and architectural photographer. After experiencing burn-out, alcoholism, and depression, he was urged by his son Yuri to turn his lens, and his attention, closer to home and towards the Rocky Mountains. Since 2017, Robert and Yuri have ascended 130 mountains together of which a selection are featured in UP HIGH. Not every journey has been easy, nor has the weather always cooperated. Robert’s relationship with Yuri has grown, and these mountains have provided the healing he needed to rebuild his connection with his son, to this landscape, and to life.