Vikky Alexander, Portage Glacier, 1982, Moab Slickrock Metallic Pearl acid free paper, 18" x 40" (courtesy Vikky Alexander; Galerie Allen; Tara Downs; TrepanierBaer Gallery)
“Vikky Alexander’s photographs don’t let you forget about your problems, particularly if one of your vices is buying shit you don’t need,” wrote Alison Sinkewicz in Bomb magazine in 2020.
“The artist, whose work is part of the Pictures Generation as well as the Vancouver School, dissects and reinterprets marketing imagery to usurp the myriad iterations of seduction.”
And if you're travelling this fall, you can see her work in Paris, France. Alexander currently has a solo show, Dream Palace, on now through Oct. 5 at the Galerie Allen in Paris.
Born in Victoria, British Columbia but now based in Montreal, she holds a bachelor of arts from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. Her work has been shown extensively around the world: Vancouver Art Gallery, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Seattle Art Museum, MuHKA in Antwerp, to name just a few.
She is known for her large photo-based installations, which often include mirrors and video. “I’m interested in materials that are self-aware, where you think: I’m at a gallery, and I’m looking at myself in a work of art,” she told Sinkewicz in 2020. “I’m not getting lost in the sublime.” ■
Vikky Alexander, Dream Palace, is on now through Oct. 5 at the Galerie Allen in Paris, France
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