"Sefirot" by James K-M
Sidney and Gertrude Zack Gallery 950 West 41 Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 2N7
by James KM
Opening Reception: December 6, 2012 7 pm - 9 pm
Vancouver painter James K-M's exhibition, Sefirot, expresses an assemblage in each painting of one or more of the 10 spheres of divine attributes that compose the Tree of Life. K-M sees his paintings as "contemporary pictographs and abstract icons of energetic fields, and as metaphysical appropriations that interact to reveal a sentient conscious unknown."
The 10 sefirot or spheres of divine attributes of the Tree of Life are:
1. KETER - Crown and Emanation of Divine Light and Will
2. CHOKHMAH – Wisdom
3. BINAH – Understanding
4. HESED – Mercy
5. GEVURAH - Judgement or Power
6. TIFERET – Beauty
7. NETZACH – Endurance
8. HOD – Glory
9. YESOD – Foundation
10. MALCHUT – Kingdom
James K-M has worked for the past 30 years with geometric, hard edge, colourist and Kabbalistic abstraction. A 2012 artist-in-residence at the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation in Bethany, CT, James was recently included in Paleofuturity, a group exhibition at Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre, Kingston, Ontario as well as in the Artist Magicians at Centro Provincial de Artes Plásticas, Camagüey, Cuba.
This exhibit continues until January 6, 2013