Sixth Annual First Nations, Inuit & Métis Art Show - Sidney BC
Mary Winspear Centre 2243 Beacon Ave., Sidney, British Columbia V8L 1W9
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Doug Lafortune and his art
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Tobias and his art
2014 First Nations, Inuit & Métis Art Show - August 8 through September 4, 2014
(Mon., Tues. Wed. Friday & Saturday 9 am - 5 pm), (Thurs. 1 pm - 9 pm) Sun. 12 - 5 pm
Mary Winspear Centre, Sidney, B.C.
The Mary Winspear Centre of the Saanich Peninsula is hosting the Sixth Annual Invitational First Nations, Inuit and Métis Art Show this summer. The First Nations, Inuit and Métis Artist Collective along with the Mary Winspear Centre extend an invitation to come and experience this exciting annual event held in traditional Coast Salish territory.
The art show has been sponsored this year by the First Peoples’ Cultural Council. Many thanks from the First Nations, Inuit and Métis Artist Collective and the Mary Winspear Centre. While there have been one time art exhibitions, this is the first continuous art show that has represented First Nations artists from across Canada. Alongside the local Coast Salish territories artists, there are also artisans from the Northwest Coast, Métis, Mohawk, Blackfoot, Cree, Ojibwa, Navajo, Inuit, and Chickasaw Nations.
To quote Mayor Larry Cross of Sidney: “The show has grown exponentially over the past 3 years and is important to the Town of Sidney in building community relations and understanding the spirit of the First Nations cultures.”
The purpose of the art show is to nurture an appreciation of visual and performing arts within the community, and to provide artists with exposure and opportunities to local audiences and to perform or exhibit their work locally. This function touches the very roots of the community and the Mary Winspear Centre objectives while also reaching out to bridge gaps and promote understanding within the region.
Both traditional and emerging lower island artists with First Nations, Métis and Inuit heritage including a wide variety of backgrounds and experience will be featured.
The First Nations, Inuit and Métis Artist Collective are working together with the Mary Winspear Centre to produce a quality art show which promises to include an outstanding collection of work. They have contacted over forty new and returning artists who are expected to show their art, interact with the public and demonstrate their work.
A few of the artists anticipated to take part include: Charles Elliott, Chaz Elliott, Richard Hunt, Doug Lafortune, Maynard Johnny, Charlene George, Debbie Hunt, Mark Henry, Lindsay Delorande, Sherry Williams and Selena Bondoc.
The whole gallery will be displayed to reflect the intent and spirit of the event. Stories and music will add to the ambiance of the ever changing show. The diversity of art expressions will include: carving, weaving, prints, fabric art, drums, rattles, pottery, beading, leather work, painting, jewelry and some that might surprise you! Come often to meet many of the artists, see changing displays.