aj jaeger | Open for Change
Gallery Vertigo 2901 30 Avenue (new location), Vernon, British Columbia V1T 2B8

aj jaeger, “Open for Change,” 2024
(courtesy of the Gallery)
Opening Reception: Thursday, June 6, 2024 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m
Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote “Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art”, inspired me to look at the evolution of human relationships.
In using unrelated materials, I allowed myself to explore the connectivity of change. I combined the use of different mediums including beeswax, metal, photography, and words to illustrate the transformation in our lifetime. This artistic expression mirrors our lives and how we often need to accommodate change, while dealing with different challenges as we travel on our journey of life.
The malleability of life is represented with the beeswax, melting to accommodate immobile entities. This symbolizes how in life one must be able to adjust to accommodate that which we cannot modify directly.
In my use of metal, I intended to convey a steadiness and strength that can be found in people. These humans have been scarred and have suffered in life, yet still endure on their own beautiful way.
My insertion of photographs was specifically intended to make use of the mediums capacity to capture a visual moment in time, so that it can be referenced in us witnessing change.
The use of words is unique in that they have the capacity to change, connect or disconnect people and their ideas in a direct and profound manner.
Discontentment is usually the fuel for change, which can be positive or negative. My personal intention is to keep an affirmative outlook for change. I aspire to maintain and foster my flexibility in how I create art, so that I may continue to grow further as a person and an artist.
aj jaeger
Vernon, 2024