Anna Ostberg: Kananaskis
Ruberto Ostberg Gallery 2108 18 St NW, Calgary, Alberta T2M 3T3

Anna Ostberg - Kananaskis
Opening Receptions: Fri, Nov 18 5 - 9 pm + Sat, Nov 19 2 - 5 pm
Canadian artist Anna Ostberg has always been inspired by her surroundings. But it took a little rustic cabin in the mountains of Kananaskis to change how she views the Alberta landscape. This is evident in her new exhibition "Kananaskis".
Each time you pass through a familiar area, no matter how many times you do so, you have a different experience. It could be the sun casting an alpine glow or turning the mountain lakes turquoise. Or wind blowing through the bright yellow larches and clustering the clouds into the mountain tops. Every moment has a new appearance each time you view it. This creates the endless inspiration for Anna's paintings.
Being surrounded by this impactful beauty has become an integral part of Anna's art practice. The Kananaskis landscape has an almost surreal picturesque quality, which catches her off guard in an awe-inspiring way.
“Kananaskis” will be on exhibition from November 18th - December 17th, 2016.