Artist Call - Art 4 Life
Port Moody Arts Centre Gallery 2425 St Johns St, Port Moody, British Columbia V3H 2B2
We have been planning a special multimedia exhibition at the Arts Centre called Art 4 Life. Attached you can find the call for submissions and included some information below.
Please feel free to share this with any artists you think would be interested.
The exhibition will also include artist talks, tours, demos and participatory features.
Again, it is titled Art 4 Life, and is an exhibition of artwork for children created by adults. The deadline is August 29th, 2014 by 5 pm.
The Port Moody Arts Centre invites artists in all media to explore themes in their work that would appeal to children.
The call is for a multi-artist exhibition of 2D and 3D artwork, and participatory features that are geared to a young audience (under 9 years). The purpose of the exhibition and the related events is to inspire and engage children and encourage art appreciation and participation, so that art becomes a lifelong journey.
The exhibition is scheduled for October 16 – November 13, 2014 and will coincide with Joyelle Brandt’s exhibition and book release of The Monster in Me – Princess Monsters From A-Z, in the Suncor Gallery.
How to Apply
Applications must include the following:
1. 1-2 paragraph artist statement
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Five images of your work. Images should be no larger than 1024 x 768 pixels at 180 dpi.
All images must be labeled 01_ LastName_Title through 05_ LastName_Title. You may zip these files into one file. Video samples should be no more than one minute in length. You may link to video samples rather than attaching video files.
4. A corresponding list as a XLS or PDF, including labeled images, titles, media, sizes and years of work, as well as prices of work.
5. Jury Fee - $25 per application (payable by cheque/cash or credit card by calling 604.931.2008).
Email: submissions [at] (Subject line: “your name, Art4Life Exhibition 2014”)
Mail or drop off to: Art 4 Life Exhibition 2014
Gallery Coordinator
Port Moody Arts Centre
2425 St Johns Street
Port Moody, BC V3H 2B2
Deadline : 5pm on August 29, 2014
Important Information
• Application materials will not be returned. Please do not submit your only copy of your CD/DVD/USB.
• We encourage you to use a delivery method that allows you to track your shipment. Please note that the Port Moody Arts Centre does not accept any responsibility of your shipment until it is received by us at our business location.
• Artworks accepted for exhibition must be ready for display, framed and wired.
• A 30% sales commission will be applied to work sold through the Port Moody Arts Centre.