Clara Chen: Thoughts of a Digital Archivist
Neutral Ground 1835 Scarth Street, Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 2G2

Clara Chen, "Thoughts of a Digital Archivist," 2020
Clara Chen: Thoughts of a Digital Archivist
Reception: Clara Chen Saturday, October 3, 8 - 9:45 pm
Thoughts Of A Digital Archivist is an evolving piece in response to the artist's role as an archive assistant at Neutral Ground. The archival process is one of re-animation. An introspective endeavour in post-spectatorship, while becoming friends with unfamiliar people and places. Seeking nodes of reflection from within, while striving for sensitivity and humbleness towards archival bodies of work. Attempting to not simply reduce them to a data point on a spreadsheet. Can digital files be haunted?
I look at images of eyes and hands who have reigned before me and wonder if they see me too. In real life, I sort through boxes of documents, brochures, and out of date light fixtures, handled and touched for art exhibited in my absence. Digital media possesses an uncertain finality. We feel these underlying anxieties. We try not to be shallow. What is not tactile but still holds place in the world? Illuminations of the metaphysical.
Clara Chen: was born and raised in Regina, Saskatchewan, with family from the Guangdong and Hong Kong regions of China. Clara’s work stems from an interest and exploration of migration, separation, and the ways in which we are intertwined with cyberspace. A member of the CBC Creator Network, Clara is a practicing expanded media artist. Keep updated on this evolving piece through our website and instagram as new AR and video components are added to the window. Find more of Clara's work at and @cyberspacevoid.