Commercial Alley: Liz P. Dempsey
Commercial Alley 500 block between Yates and Bastion Square, Victoria, British Columbia
August 29, 6-8pm
On Saturday, August 29 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Open Space, in partnership with the City of Victoria, will unveil a new installment of the Commercial Alley Public Art Gallery featuring the works of local artist, Liz P. Dempsey. The opening will take place in conjunction with the Integrate Arts Festival's En-Masse Art Crawl.
Dempsey’s commissioned works will feature a four-panel installation of her hybrid human-animal figures. The quartet of panels captures the charged and raw energy of our surroundings on this beautiful island. Dempsey fuses mystical imagery within an urban and contemporary context.
Open Space invites everyone and all to the unveiling of Commercial Alley’s newest display of works by Liz P Dempsey on the evening of Saturday, August 29, 2015 in concert with the city-wide celebration of artistic communities in Victoria, the Integrate Arts Festival.