Elaine Freedman: "Birds in Paris"
Esplanade Art Gallery 401 First Street SE, Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 8W2

"American Crow- Ferris Wheel"
Elaine Freedman, "American Crow- Ferris Wheel," Photograph on vinyl, 4ft x 6ft.
A photographer based in Medicine Hat and in Victoria, Elaine Freedman has been honing her technical skills and expanding her creative capacity since taking up the medium in 1999.
This recent series of work combines architectural imagery shot in Paris over the course of one day in 2000, with the results of three years of bird photography in Alberta. Elaine Freedman here enlarges images of Albertan birds, some as familiar as the American Crow, and others as rare as the Burrowing Owl, and digitally inserts them in unlikely Paris settings, creating a surrealist emotional register that ranges from comical to brooding.
Freedman’s sepia tones and textures recall early photography of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, in which context her contemporary Parisian cars, people, and signage are subtly surprising. This is an elegantly inviting and visually complex body of work, which succeeds in being both delicate and dramatic