Federation of Canadian Artists : Fall Group Exhibition
fortune gallery 537 Fisgard Street, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 1R3
Federation of Canadian Artists Federation of Canadian Artists, “Fall Group Exhibition,” 2023
(courtesy of the gallery)
Opening Reception: November 4, 2:00-4:00pm
What inspires us to connect and capture the world around us? What drives us and what do we hope to communicate through the works we create? Are they a form of self-expression, a social commentary, an impression of a particular event, or created to evoke a mood, to conjure up a feeling? Questions such as these were posed to members of the Victoria Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists, the result of which is this semi-annual exhibition called, 2023 Fall Show.
The show was juried, and the selected art works reveal that the motivations, methods and results are as infinite as the ways we, as human beings, choose to express ourselves. Please come and join the ‘conversation’ during gallery hours … the possibilities are indeed boundless.
Closed Permanently