Craft Council of BC 1386 Cartwright Street, Granville Island, British Columbia V6H 3R8

Bettina Matzkuhn, "Meadow," 2021
What is the role of the frame within visual arts? Commonly regarded as supplementary to the work of art, the frame is a protective and sometimes decorative addition, which sets the work of art apart from its surroundings both physically and aesthetically. The frame protects that which it frames. It can be as simple as untreated wood or as ornate and decorative as a gilded baroque frame. The relationship between work of art and frame is hierarchical, with the work of art taking precedence over the frame. The frame ensures that the work of art maintains its value by cradling it within its sturdy structure and protecting it from exposure to potentially harming elements. We can confer from this relationship that the frame has a crucial, yet overlooked, role in the field of visual arts.
The Craft Council of British Columbia presents our inaugural fundraising auction and exhibition, FRAMED. We have invited artists to envision a frame (think picture frame, glasses frames, or doorframe) as art itself rather than as supplementary object. We have encouraged artists to think beyond the frame as protector, support and cradle and to explore the complexity of the frame in their respective media.
We have welcomed submissions from artists working with various craft and mixed media to submit an application via the link below. Submitted frames will be on view and sold via silent auction with a minimum starting bid of $75.
Prizes will be awarded to artists:
-showing excellence and mastery over their respective medium
-demonstrating the most creative take on the frame