Images of Internment: Paintings by Henry Shimizu
Legacy Maltwood at McPherson Library 3800 Finnerty Road, Mearns Centre, McPherson Library, Room 027 (Box 3025, Stn CSC), Victoria, British Columbia V8P 5C2

"3 Images of Internment painting #3"
"3 Images of Internment painting #3" by Herny Shimizu
A series of paintings by Dr. Henry Shimizu attempts to highlight the activities and lifestyle of the internees in the New Denver Japanese Internment Camp from 1942 to 1946. They are the memories of a teenager and his friends.
Shimizu will also present a lecture on Nov. 23 at 3:30 p.m. titled " A Journey to the Past and Present: The History of the Japanese-Canadian Internment in 1942 to 1946; Life in the New Denver Internment Camp" at the Mearns Centre adjacent to UVic Archives.