In Search of Inspiration – 39th Solo Exhibition of James Tan
Chinese Cultural Centre Museum & Archives 555 Columbia St, Vancouver, British Columbia V6A 4H5
Opening Reception: Saturday July 23rd, 2016 2:00pm
Exhibition Dates: July 23 - August 14, 2016
Tuesday - Sunday: 10am - 5pm. Admission by donation.
Chinese Cultural Centre Museum, 555 Columbia Street Vancouver B.C V6A 4H5
(604) 658-8880,
Lecture and demonstration by the artist: Lingnan School of Painting and I
Saturday July 30th, 2016 2:00 - 3:30pm
Language: Mandarin and Cantonese. English upon request.
Free admission. Please RSVP at or call (604) 658-8880
The youthful, innovative spirit of the founders of the Lingnan School has inspired James Tan to extend his own work well beyond tradition. He blends mastery of Chinese brush painting with an ability to capture the essence of Western culture, thereby creating a style of Chinese brush painting which is distinctly his own.
Tan graduated from the Singapore Academy of Art in 1972 and continued his studies with Chinese brush painting masters in Singapore, Taiwan and San Francisco until 1980 establishing himself as a master of the traditional and Lingnan schools of Chinese brush painting with his own distinctive style. He has taught and lectured extensively world-wide, including The National Museum Art Gallery (Singapore), The Victoria and Albert Museum in London. And annual lecture & demonstration at the arts in Action Festival in London, U.K.
Mr. Tan has won an extensive list of awards and honors and has exhibited extensively. 38 one-man shows in Singapore, Japan, Thailand, Dubai, Bahrain, Australia, England, Germany, the U.S.A. and Canada.