JANICE INISKIMAKI TANTON Oki Niksokowa - All My Relations
Canada House Gallery 201 Bear Street (PO Box 1570), Banff, Alberta T1L 1B5
Artist reception, Saturday Sept 26, 1 - 3 pm
Exhibition runs Sept 23 to Oct 6
The focus of Tanton's work is centered upon artfully discovering the colourful contemporary threads of commonality woven within the remarkable diversity of our species. She is greatly honoured to have been adopted as the daughter of Elder Tom Crane Bear of the Siksika Nation, initiated into the pow wow dance circle, is a tipi owner, has been given the Blackfoot name Iniskim-Aki (Buffalo Stone Woman). Janice breaks new ground by exploring the intersection of collaborative cross-cultural arts practices to strengthen relationships through practice in the arts.