Kara Uzelman: Extra-Sensory Perception Experiment with the Grateful Dead
REMAI MODERN 102 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 0L3
Kara Uzelman, "Extra-Sensory Perception Experiment with the Grateful Dead ," 2016
production still, Courtesy of the artist.
Remai Modern is very pleased to announce its latest web commission, by renowned Canadian artist Kara Uzelman. The project is curated by Gregory Burke, Executive Director & CEO, and Sandra Guimarães, Director of Programs & Chief Curator at Remai Modern.
Uzelman’s innovative commission, an audio recording with video, is an artistic fabrication. It was inspired by the contents of a closed archive concerning actual LSD research that was conducted in Saskatchewan during the 1950s and ‘60s. The work imagines the sounds and conversations of an ESP experiment between mind-altered audience members at a Grateful Dead concert and psychic-sensitive subjects asleep in dream-states at a research laboratory.
In association with its pre-launch programs, Remai Modern has been inviting artists to realize original projects exclusively for online viewing. On the first day of every month, work by a new artist appears on Remai Modern’s homepage. Past website commissions remain accessible in the online archive. Through these commissions, the museum considers its website as an extension of its physical space and onsite program. Mobile and experimental, this online gallery allows for direct, personal encounters with art while connecting with artists and audiences across the globe.