karaoke fundraiser
Urban Shaman Contemporary Aboriginal Art 203 - 290 McDermot Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0T2
Urban Shaman Contemporary Aboriginal Art
KARAOKE Fundraising Event
Where: A.N.A.F. “Club 60”
3-433 River Ave. Winnipeg, MB
Situated 100 yards E. of Osborne St. on River Ave.
When: Thursday, March 8th at 8pm till Midnight
Cost: $5.00 at the door
As a nationally recognized leader in Aboriginal arts programming, we need the support of our community so it can sustain the best it can be and this fundraiser is to help our programming. So what better and fun way to do it but through music and meat!!!
Local artist & fun time gal, Liz Garlicki will be MC-ing.
silent art auction with works by: Linus Woods, Dylan Minor, James Luna, Sonny Assu, Theo Pelmus & more!
And you as entertainer & entertainment on the karaoke stage!!!
*For those who hate karaoke: back area, billiard tables, and shuffle table are there for your pleasure too! FUN FOR ALL!!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: interested in helping out with the event? let Liz Garlicki know and she'll set ya up with something fun to do that night, and you get in free! urbanshaman.outreach@gmail.com
Urban Shaman: Contemporary Aboriginal Art gratefully acknowledges the support of our friends, volunteers, community and all our relations, the Winnipeg Arts Council, the Manitoba Arts Council, the Canada Council for the Arts, The Winnipeg Foundation, Manitoba Hydro, Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development Inc., Superstore, Costco, Chris Krawchenko of Maximum Realty Ltd., Club 60 and those who donated art to the fundraiser. ~Miigwech