Leaning Out of Windows: In/visible Forces
Emily Carr University of Art + Design 520 East 1st Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia V5T 0H2
Leaning Out of Windows: In/visible Forces
Leaning Out of Windows: In/visible Forces is the third of three exhibitions.
Opening reception will be held March 5 from 2 to 5pm (proof of vaccination required for entry), with an lnstagram live event on March 5 at 3pm.
Leaning Out of Windows (LOoW), a research creation project, explores how knowledge might be translated across the disciplinary communities of art and physics in order to develop a shared understanding of the cosmos. The project assesses methodologies of collaboration to develop ways to engage with the diverse languages employed by artists and physicists, namely between Emily Carr University and TRIUMF, Canada's particle accelerator centre. What is shared is a space of mutual inspiration informing each other's work in the search for new and emergent understandings of scientific phenomena.