Marisa Pahl
District Library Gallery 1277 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, British Columbia V7J 2A1
North Vancouver Community Arts Council presents
Marisa Pahl
Jul 16 – Aug 26, 2014
Opening reception: Saturday, Jul 19, 2 - 4 pm
Animals and the wilderness make Marisa feel alive and connected to the world. Most of her childhood was spent exploring the Coast and Rocky Mountain ranges of British Columbia. This is a relationship she has been exploring throughout her life and has become the inspiration behind her recent works.
The paintings are an effort to document our wild neighbours; the animals we share space with here in Canada. Our relationship with them is delicate and in constant flux, a topic well represented in the media but easily bypassed in our daily lives.
Marisa paints with watercolour in realistic and minimalist style. The shapes and soft colours parallel the impermanence of native species in Canada and their fragile existence. By introducing these familiar faces in a contemporary way, she hopes to instigate a sense of intrigue and excitement reminding us that we have the ability to visit their habitats and take action to ensure they have a safe future here.
A desire to better understand how people and communities develop and thrive led her to study psychology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in 2010. Her creative practice is founded in environmental and social explorations, a theme that connects the artwork she does in all mediums.
District Library Gallery
Lynn Valley Main Library 1277 Lynn Valley Rd. North Vancouver
Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 12-4pm
North Vancouver Community Arts Council
335 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC V7M 2G3 l l 604.988.6844