Mitchell Fenton: The Vintage RV & Trailer Show, The Wildlife Awaits You
Gibson Fine Art Ltd 523 Cleveland Crescent SE, Calgary, Alberta T2G 4A9
Mitchell Fenton, "63 Condor," 2020
oil on canvas, 40" x 50"
It's summertime! We yearn for it most months of the year - and now it is here. It is truly the time for the great outdoors, the woods, the wilderness: so into our sensational Canadian backyard we plunge with our camping conveyances - "recreational vehicles" - of all shapes and sizes.
Ever since I was a kid,
I’ve enjoyed crossing the Prairies and going camping in the Mountains.
It’s not the Destination,
or the Journey that is important,
it’s the Gear!
I LOVE Vintage Campers!
I love seeing what everyone else is travelling in too – on the road and in the campground.
In celebration of the too-long-awaited camping season, Gibson Fine Art is pleased to present the latest exhibition of iconic new works from Mitchell Fenton. Fenton whimsically, playfully, centre-stages his deep interest and love for vintage campers amid scenery and wildlife that vividly captures the definitive Canadian mountain grandeur. It's about where we're going, shouts Fenton's work - but it is also very much about how we get there.