Neighbours: From Pender to Hastings
Chinatown Storytelling Centre 168 East Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6A 1T3

“Neighbours from Pender to Hastings,” 2024
(courtesy of the Gallery)
Neighbours: From Pender to Hastings
A special exhibit celebrating the unique heritage of Hastings Street, its close ties to Chinatown, and the launch of Bob & Michael’s Place, an innovative community housing project at 58 West Hastings.
While Vancouver’s early Chinatown residents centred their lives on Pender St., they also frequented the many iconic businesses on the parallel blocks of Hastings St., including Woodwards, Army and Navy, M. Furuya Company, Odeon Hastings Theatre, and Wosk’s. Many of these businesses hired Chinese staff and placed ads in Chinese to welcome their “Chinese friends.” This exhibit features inspiring stories and rare archival photographs that speak to these unique intercultural relationships and the resilient community they fostered.