Rod Charlesworth: Time and Place!
West End Gallery, Victoria 1203 Broad Street, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 2A4

Rod Charlesworth, "Blue Northern," 2021
oil on canvas, 16"x16"
Rod Charlesworth: Time and Place
OPENING THIS WEEKEND IN VICTORIA, B.C! Prominent Canadian artist Rod Charlesworth presents a showing of new paintings. Charlesworth's instantly recognizable style draws from the tradition set by the Group of Seven, capturing the idyllic Canadian landscape while pushing his colour palette past many contemporary artists. His strength as a painter comes from recognizing the time (season) and place of his environment. Whether it's the rocky coves of Nova Scotia or the temperate rain forests of the West Coast of British Columbia, Rod gets to the core of his subject and expertly delivers the essence of the scene.
Closed Permanently