Start with Art
Seymour Art Gallery 4360 Gallant Avenue, North Vancouver, British Columbia V7G 1L2

Kara Wightman, "Start with Art," 2022
Exhibition Reception: Sunday, May 15, from 2 – 4 p.m.
Start with Art is a unique exhibition that focuses on encouraging young people to appreciate, collect, and curate their own art collection – with a special price list just for kids 16 and younger!
For this 17th annual exhibition we’ve assembled a fantastic group of established artists who work in a variety of media and artwork in the gallery is hung at “kids-eye-view,” making Start with Art truly kid-centric.
Through our exhibition publication, exhibiting artists also offer advice for budding artists and frequently spark the idea in kids that one day their work could be shown in a gallery, too.
Artists: Rosa N Chau, Katherine Cross, Kellie Diguangco, Bambi Edlund, Lysa Flower, Anne Gudrun, Heike Kuzminski, Huan Liu, Susan Otto-Bain, Alex Smyth, Jess Stanley, and Alix Tsuki