"Stories from Musqueam" on the Belkin's Outdoor Screen
Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery 1825 Main Mall, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z2

Hock E Aye Vi Edgar Heap of Birds, "Native Hosts" (detail), 1991/2007. Gift of the artist. (photo: Michael R. Barrick)
This weekend, September 17 and 18, join us as we celebrate Come Toward the Fire, an outdoor festival curated by Jarrett Martineau, in advance of Orange Shirt Day and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The Belkin will stay open late til 7 pm both nights, while the Outdoor Screen will show a selection of films that feature the work and words of Musqueam artists, cultural knowledge keepers and community members. Highlighting Musqueam, upon whose traditional, ancestral and unceded territory the Belkin is located, the films acknowledge Musqueam’s presence and stewardship of this land for thousands of years through shared stories of listening, learning and relationships that are felt across time. The films will screen continuously between 9 am and 9 pm.
- Musqueam Elder Larry Grant's Welcome Message (1m 55s)
- Musqueam Through Time, 2010 (18m 22s)
- Writing the Land, 2007 (7m 50s)Weaving the Path, 2021 (12m 37s)
- Reconciliation Pole: Bronze Disc Base, 2022 (4m 19s)
Come Toward the Fire, hosted by the Chan Centre and Musqueam, is an Indigenous-led, family-friendly and accessible gathering to celebrate Indigenous creativity, brilliance, culture and community and aims to lift up the voices of Indigenous artists, performers, musicians, speakers and dance groups from Musqueam and from Indigenous nations. In addition to the film screenings at the Belkin and events - including performances, vendors and foodtrucks outside the Chan Centre - the Museum of Anthropology will host Musqueam Teachings family workshops. Visit chancentre.com and moa.ubc.ca for more information.