The 8th Anonymous Art Show
Cityscape Community Art Space 355 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver, British Columbia V7M 2G3

"The 8th Anonymous Art Show at Cityscape Art Space."
The 8th Anonymous Art Show at Cityscape Art Space.
Sale and opening reception: Thursday, November 22, 7-9:30pm
sale and exhibition continues until Saturday, December 15, 2012.
Each artwork is priced at $100
Artwork is sold off the wall from the opening until Saturday, December 15.
The Anonymous Art Show is a great fundraising event and group exhibition. It is truly inspiring to see the talent, scope of style, diverse subject matter and mediums, including oil, acrylic, mixed media and photography created by local established and emerging artists.
There are hundreds of artworks to choose from by hundreds of artists, so there is something for everyone. All works are created on unframed 8” x 8” x 1 ½” canvas or wood panel. The sale of each piece is divided fifty/fifty between the artist and the NVCAC and the artist remains anonymous until after the purchase.
CityScape Community Art Space
North Vancouver Community Arts Council
335 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver