The Arne Olsen Collection
Paul Kyle Gallery (formerly Elan Fine Art) 4-258 East 1 Avenue (Second floor), Vancouver, British Columbia V5T 1A6
In July we will be celebrating the life of the late Arne Olsen, a beloved and generous supporter of Vancouver’s art community with a sale of his personal art collection. Arne was aware of the importance of supporting British Columbia artists and his art collection reflects this.
We invite you to stop by our Opening Night or Open House and view some of the special works he owned by local artists he admired, endorsed and collected. Throughout this weekend, Elan will feature works for sale from this collection by Jack Shadbolt, Toni Onley, Ken Wallace, Al Neil, Peter Kiss, Alan Wood and others. To view the works for sale, you can visit our Arne Olsen Collection Online Catalogue.
Arne was also an avid collector of Wayne Ngan pottery, and a there will be a selection of twenty-five fantastic pieces available. This will be a unique opportunity for people to acquire Wayne Ngan’s pottery from this highly important collection, as works of this quality rarely become available. Elan will also be working with the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden and invite you to their own Opening Reception on July 13th from 4 to 6 pm. These two events exemplify the importance of Ngan’s work to the local community and are not to be missed.