"They Made A Day Be A Day Here"
REMAI MODERN 102 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 0L3
Wednesday Lupypciw, "LOOM MUSIC," 2013, digital video and weavings.
Opening reception: Friday, Septebmer 27 at 8 p.m.
In surveying the production of 12 female artists across the Prairies, guest curator Amy Fung has organized a dynamic exhibition that explores materiality, modernism, and the narratives of place. Fung asks how being from the Prairies might inform one’s identity and artistic production. How is living “here” a shared experience? What connections may be drawn between the mythos of flatness and isolation, and the widespread critical premise that regionalism is absorbed by globalization and modernity? In the process of selecting the works for this exhibition, Fung has literally and figuratively mapped her own experience of “here.”