Tony Yin Tak Chu: Paintings and Installation - Vancouver Chinatown and Assorted Images
Chinese Cultural Centre Museum & Archives 555 Columbia St, Vancouver, British Columbia V6A 4H5

"Tony Yin Tak Chu"
Tony Yin Tak Chu, mixed water-based media, projected video, light wall.
Vancouver Chinatown and Assorted Images is a drawing installation with tracing papers and mylar depicting the everyday life in Chinatown and its neighbours.
Vancouver changes everyday, construction is happening along Main Street from 33rd Street to Chinatown, and Chinatown will soon run out of construction spaces. In a short future, redevelopment will come into its neighbours, because the area is accessible, being served by SkyTrain and different bus routes.
In order to articulate my experience as a new comer to Canada, I plan to study the area and do a drawing installation about Chinatown and its everyday life. My aim is not merely to preserve the memory of the area, but to create an environment to attract echoes from the people work and live in the area.
Apart from the 2 dimensional works on the wall, I hope to create a light wall by installing large drawing on tracing papers with concealed lightings. Using light through tracing paper makes reference of viewing Chinatown through different glazes.
- Tony Yin Tak Chu 2013