ULethbridge Art Gallery Presents: "Weather Stories Vol. 3"
Online Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7H 0A4
Weather Stories - Volume 3
Courtesy of the Gallery.
A series of free one-hour long storytelling sessions about the weather from different perspectives. Presented on Zoom, session times will vary to fit with the region hosting each event.
Ontario Stories featuring David Janzen, Peter Schuler, and Ze’ev Gedalof
Weather Stories is a partnership between the University of Lethbridge Art Gallery, Lethbridge; Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery, Halifax; the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton; the Agnes Etherington Arts Centre, Queens University, Kingston; and the Yukon Arts Centre, Whitehorse. This project is funded by a Digital Now grant from the Canada Council for the Arts.
Event Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87498554616
A Project by Lisa Hirmer