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"Ian Wallace"
Ian Wallace.
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"At Work 2008"
Ian Wallace, "At Work 2008," 2008 (detail), photolaminate, acrylic on canvas, 4 diptychs, 203.5 x 305 cm (each). Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Purchased with funds from the Jean MacMillan SouthamMajor Art Purchase Fund. Photo: Trevor Mills, Vancouver Art Gallery.
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"My Heroes in the Street II"
Ian Wallace, "My Heroes in the Street II," 1986, photolaminate, acrylic on canvas183 x 336 cm, Collection of the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto. Gift of YdessaHendeles, 2009. Photo: Trevor Mills, Vancouver Art Gallery.
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"ClayoquotProtest (August 9, 1993) I-IX"
Ian Wallace, "ClayoquotProtest (August 9, 1993) I-IX," 1993-95 (detail) photolaminate, ink monoprint, acrylic on canvas, 9 panels: 152.5 x 122.5 cm, 183.5 x 305 cm, 152.5 x 122 cm, 152 x 198.5 cm, 183.5 x 305 cm, 198 x 152 cm, 122.5 x 229 cm, Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Gift of the Artist. Photo: Trevor Mills, Vancouver Art Gallery.
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Trevor Mills, Vancouver Art Gall
"Clayoquot Protest (August 9, 1993) I-IX"
Ian Wallace, "Clayoquot Protest (August 9, 1993) I-IX," 1993-95, photolaminate, ink monoprint, acrylic on canvas, nine panels, detail.
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"Image/Text, 1979"
Ian Wallace, "Image/Text, 1979," 12 hand-colouredsilver gelatin prints,137 x 91.1 cm (each), 275.5 x 548.7 cm (overall), Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund. Photo: Trevor Mills, Vancouver Art Gallery.
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"Image/Text,1979 (detail)"
Ian Wallace, "Image/Text, 1979 (detail)," 12 hand-colouredsilver gelatin prints, 137 x 91.1 cm (each), 275.5 x 548.7 cm (overall), Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund. Photo: Trevor Mills, Vancouver Art Gallery.
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"My Heroes in the Street II"
Ian Wallace, "My Heroes in the Street II," 1986, photolaminate, acrylic on canvas, 183 x 336 cm. Collection of the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto. Gift of Ydessa Hendeles, 2009.
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"At The Crosswalk VIII"
Ian Wallace, "At The Crosswalk VIII," 2011, photolaminate, acrylic on canvas, four panels, 96.1" x 192.1".