BRENT LYNCH, May, 2006, Westwind Art Gallery, Langley

"Thompson Canyon Pine"
Brent Lynch, "Thompson Canyon Pine," 2006, oil on prepared board, 20" x 16".
Westwind Art Gallery, Langley
May, 2006
By Beverly Cramp
As an art student, Brent Lynch had an opportunity to talk with world-renowned painter David Hockney. “Never let the power of paradigm tell you what fine art is and what it isn’t,” Hockney told him. It was an unforgettable moment. Lynch describes his own work as representational paintings of figures and landscapes done in oil on canvas. “They’re light-driven images, heavy on composition.” And while art theory may not dictate Lynch’s art-making process, he does claim expressionist painting and contemporary art as his influences. “The Expressionists were realists but gave artworks their own personal madness. They used all the tricks of abstract artists. Contemporary work like Hockney’s takes every influence under the sun and mixes it up. He distills a lot of influences from the past and puts the fun back into art.” Lynch has been working as a full-time artist for 25 years, but he never did complete his art degree. “I really wanted that diploma, but all the time I was a student I worked in studios and felt I learned more there. I decided to go where the action was.”
Represented by: Westwind Art Gallery, Langley, BC; LindaLando Fine Art, Vancouver; Ida Victoria Gallery, San Jose del Cabo, Mexico.