"Mother’s Shoulders"
Camille Iquliq, "Mother’s Shoulders," 2003, steatite (soapstone),11"h x 7"w x 4"d.
By Janice Rosen
Camille Iquliq’s softly rounded sculptures often take as subject matter the relationship between mother and child and other family relations. Indicative of the value Iquliq places on family unity, her sculptures exude a feeling of comfort and protection with well-padded edges and soft full folds of clothing. Her style of carving is typical of many Baker Lake artists, and shows the dark and subtle sheen of the local steatite stone at its best. Born in 1963, Iquliq currently resides in Baker Lake Hamlet, Nunavut. She is part of a well-known artistic family that includes her father, Tuna, and her brother, Johnny, both carvers, as well as her mother, Sarah Anautaq Iquliq, who creates images for printmaking. Camille Iquliq’s work is showcased at the Bayat Inuit Gallery in Winnipeg, January 15 to February 15, 2004. Her work can be found at many other Inuit art galleries across Canada, including the Inuit Gallery of Vancouver, and at the Arctic Raven Gallery in Friday Harbour, Washington.
Inuit Gallery of Vancouver
120 Carrie Cates Court, North Vancouver, British Columbia V7M 0G7
604-688-7323 or 1-888-615-8399
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Mon to Sat 10 am - 6 pm, Sun 11 am - 5 pm.