CONNIE GEERTS: Through May, 2005, Woodlands Gallery, Winnipeg, MB

"Wide Arms Reaching"
Connie Geerts, "Wide Arms Reaching," 2005, acrylic on canvas, 18" x 36".
Through May, 2005
Woodlands Gallery, Winnipeg
By Janice Rosen
Thinly layered strokes of colour applied in deep rich tints work to dissolve tree and landscape as the eye tries to focus on Connie Geerts’ recent work. Unable to do so, one becomes aware of a rich inner glow emanating from these acrylic works on canvas. Distinct shapes of trees and prairie landscapes disintegrate into pixelated colour, optically mixed to reveal a stunning palette. Born and raised in rural Ontario and until recently living in Calgary, Geerts is now relocating to Winnipeg. Her work will be showing in Winnipeg’s Woodlands Gallery (in the new location) this spring. She brings diverse interests together in a series of impressionistic paintings: a background in advertising art, sculpture, mould making and collage combined with work in digital journalism and editing studios. Citing influences like Vincent Van Gogh, as well as modern digital work and contemporary artists like Wolf Kahn, Geerts uses a representational subject matter — normally richly coloured prairie landscapes — to suggest a feeling of a certain time or place rather than a geographical location.
Represented by: Design House, Victoria, Vancouver; Centennial Gallery, Calgary; Elevation 1309, Canmore, AB; Terracotta Dudes, Black Diamond, AB; Destina Gallery, Edmonton; The Gallery on Main, Lacombe, AB; Woodlands Gallery, Winnipeg

Woodlands Gallery
535 Academy Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3N 0E2
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Open Tues to Fri 10 am - 5:30 pm, Sat 10 am - 5 pm