DAN DONALDSON April 13 to May 14, 2011, Art Gallery of Regina

"Bordello Fantasy"
Dan Donaldson, "Bordello Fantasy," oil, mixed media on canvas, 2007.
April 13 to May 14, 2011, Art Gallery of Regina
Dan Donaldson’s fanciful large-scale portraits have their basis in real Life — Life Magazine, that 20th-century compendium of everything that ever happened in the world. At the Art Gallery of Regina, April 13 to May 14, the portraits are displayed like a timeline of imaginary history in Donaldson’s show, aptly called Art Imitating Life Imitating Art.

Art Gallery of Regina
2420 Elphinstone St, Neil Balkwill Civic Arts Centre, Regina, Saskatchewan S4T 3N9
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Mon to Thur 11 am - 7 pm; Fri to Sun 1 pm - 5 pm