Glen Semple: Nov. 14 to Nov. 20, 2015 at the West End Gallery in Edmonton

Glen Semple, "Lovely Fruit Blossoms," 2014
Glen Semple, "Lovely Fruit Blossoms," 2014, acrylic on board, 48” x 36”
Undaunted by detail, Calgary-based artist Glen Semple’s photorealistic florals are suffused with light and colour. “They are paintings about ordinary things and our relationship with them, as well as the appearances and qualities of the objects and their interactions with one another,” says Semple, who was born in Rocky Mountain House, Alta., and earned a BFA from the University of Calgary.
West End Gallery, Edmonton
10337 124 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1R1
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Tues to Sat 10 am - 5 pm.