"Summer Baroque XIII"
Jamie Evrard, "Summer Baroque XIII," 2000, oil on canvas, 36" x 40".
Jamie Evrard’s sumptuous monotypes and oil paintings reflect the artist’s elegant lifestyle. From her homebase in Vancouver, Evrard spends much of the year travelling including an annual month’s retreat at her family’s Tuscan villa. On her travels, Evrard collects exquisite handmade papers which she uses to produce lush fruit and floral monotype prints. Often, she begins by painting directly onto the paper, sometimes applying metallic powders. Then, she creates her image in oil on plexiglass. The prepared sheets of paper are pressed, repeatedly, on the plate, creating a richly textured, diffused image reminiscent of an aged fresco. The individual pieces of paper are mounted onto a backing and usually completed with a water gilded frame. Evrard’s monotypes and her exuberant oils on canvas will be on view starting November 16, 2002 at the Bugera Matheson Gallery.

Bugera Matheson Gallery (New Location)
1B-10110 124 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1P6
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Fri and Sat 10:30 am - 5 pm or by appointment.