KEN WEBB, "New Work," March 3 to 31, 2012, Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary
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"Half Measures"
Ken Webb, "Half Measures," 2011, acrylic on canvas, 18” X 72”.
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"Urban Renewal"
Ken Webb, "Urban Renewal," 2010, acrylic on canvas, 18” X 72”.
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"Half Measures"
Ken Webb, "Half Measures," 2011, acrylic on canvas, 18” X 72”.
KEN WEBB, New Work
Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary
March 3 to 31, 2012
By Jill Sawyer
The industrial cast of Ken Webb’s current works is depicted through a mix of representational and abstract imagery — factories, refineries, and workers clustered around built structures, their images diminished into the faded, much-multiplied remnant of old photographs. The representational photography is surrounded and marked over by repetitive, perfectly reproduced depictions of perforations, like fencing. Divided into triptychs and multiple images, it’s as if the labour of the past, that industrial world, is being paved and bolted over, erased by a more precise, machine-made present. Webb’s painting and printmaking have often had the veneer of collage, taking the eye from one meticulous image and idea to the next. He’s the head of print media at the Alberta College of Art and Design in Calgary, and has exhibited widely across Canada.

Herringer Kiss Gallery
101-1615 10 Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T3C 0J7
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Tues to Sat 11 am - 5 pm