"Waiting Outside"
Steve Gouthro, "Waiting Outside," 2001, oil on canvas, 68" x 84".
By Amy Karlinsky
A respected artist and teacher, Steve Gouthro has influenced many young artists with his careful compositions, large-scale, figurative paintings and detailed cross-hatched drawings and prints. Gouthro's work celebrates the mystical, symbolic and allegorical references of everyday life. His realist painting, sometimes called magical, is underscored by careful drawing and complex figurative compositions. Gouthro has explored the urban view, the cityscape, classical sculpture, garden imagery and the nature of work and history in previous bodies of work. His oil-painted surfaces are super-layered. A delicately rendered face, a convincing illusion of depth, and a shimmery surface of light and pattern catch our attention. This May, Gouthro is the artist in residence at The Winnipeg Art Gallery (WAG) with scheduled public lectures and workshops and time for private critiques. Gouthro's work is on view at the WAG's Art Rental and Sales Gallery all summer. Two of his paintings, Waiting and Waiting Outside, and smaller drawings are featured in a two-person exhibition at Winnipeg's Site Gallery June 1 to 28, 2003.