"Furrowed Field"
Tom Sutton-Smith, "Furrowed Field," 2000, acrylic on canvas, 24" x 36".
By Janice Rosen
Tom Sutton-Smith’s dynamic personality is reflected in the vibrant colours that bring vitality to his portraits, still lifes and prairie-scapes. Whether rendered in oil, acrylic or watercolour, luscious colours are central to his compositions. Snapping prairie vistas with a disposable camera as he travels in the summertime, he paints the results throughout the short days of winter. While the rest of the province is trapped in a seemingly never-ending bleakness, Sutton-Smith is bathed in the rich hues of his subjects. Born in Bathgate, Scotland, he attended Edinburgh College of Art and moved to Canada in 1981, exhibiting and selling subsequently in both Scotland and Canada. Sutton-Smith is vice-president and creative director of McKim Communications in Winnipeg. His paintings are available through The Winnipeg Art Gallery’s Rental Gallery, the Nunavut Gallery and the Ken Segal Gallery, all in Winnipeg. Tom Sutton-Smith’s solo show at the Pavilion Gallery Museum in Winnipeg, runs June 14 through August 13, 2004, and features a mix of his prairie landscapes and portraits.

The Pavilion Gallery
55 Pavilion Cres, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3P 2N6
204-927-6002 or 1-877-927-6006
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Daily 9 am - 5 pm