Tony Kristopaitis, Jan. 27 to Feb. 15, 2015 at the Ferry Building Gallery in West Vancouver

Tony Kristopaitis, "Nigella," 2014, encaustic, 60” x 52”.
Vancouver artist Tony Kristopaitis loves to garden – and the evidence is in his work. “I pay attention to the order and randomness of organic growth and decay in the garden,” he says. “This natural cycle continues in my painting as I allow the paint to flow naturally as a statement of the medium.” Kristopaitis, who studied at Emily Carr University, says his interest in layering and transparency reflect his training in glass. He shows with Tannis Turner and Eva Francis in Nature Re-imagined.
Jan. 27 to Feb. 15, 2015 at the Ferry Building Gallery in West Vancouver
Ferry Building Gallery
1414 Argyle Ave, Ambleside Landing, West Vancouver, British Columbia V7T 1C2
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Open Tues to Sun 11 am - 5 pm.