Bronwyn McMillin Wins Takao Tanabe Prize

Bronwyn Mcmillin
Vancouver Island artist Bronwyn McMillin has won the third annual Tanabe Prize for British Columbia painters.
The $10,000 prize is given to emerging artists at the early stages of their artistic careers.
McMillin works with themes of memory, accumulation, transcription and forgetting. Her most recent body of work, Slow Time Machine, a collaboration with Graham Macaulay, was shown at the Forest City Gallery in London, Ont.
Her work has been shown at venues abroad, including the Slade School of Fine Art in London and the Heima Artist Residency in Iceland.
Winners are selected by contemporary art curators connected to art galleries in British Columbia. Selection is based on exceptional creativity coupled with a promise of future achievements. Names of the selectors are confidential. There is no application process for curators or artists. The prize is administered by the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria.
Tanabe was born in Prince Rupert and currently lives on Vancouver Island. His painting reflects his interest in abstraction and the landscape.
The Equinox Gallery in Vancouver will present an exhibition of Tanabe's work from Jan. 17 to March 2.
Source: Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
1040 Moss Street, Victoria, British Columbia V8V 4P1
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